The last time I checked, I belonged to the latter end of Gen-X, then I stumbled upon the definition of Xennials, and I felt right at home. Being born in the second half of 1979 means, I’ve seen many brands come and evolve. I am ripe for nostalgia marketing. What is nostalgia marketing, and how do we leverage it? 

Nostalgia Marketing Defined

Nostalgia marketing employs past media, colors, former historical/famous figures, themes, styles, jargon, and cultural values to evoke memories of better times to associate those feelings with a brand or product. We can also be nostalgic for moments not tied to a specific year or time; for example, we can feel nostalgic for our mom’s cooking.

Your audience doesn’t need to be of a certain age to employ nostalgia marketing. A teenage audience can feel nostalgic for grade-school memories. Vintage car enthusiasts might not have lived through the 1950s, but they appreciate the era’s nostalgia. Whichever target is relevant, ensure your message incorporates nostalgic elements pertinent to their interests or age group.

Devices for Nostalgia Marketing

The following are just some categories for nostalgia. Keep in mind that these apply to larger cultural groups. Subcultures might respond better to more specific nostalgic elements relevant to their group.

  • 1. Graphic Design – This is a defining element of nostalgia as each time has its unique style characteristic of the era.

  • 2. Style – Fashion, hair, and home decor are strong reference points.

  • 3. Pop Culture Media – Shows, music, books, comics, movies, and celebrities define decades.

  • 4. Cultural Trends – Jargon, technology, societal values, religion, health, and food trends evoke strong memories.

  • 5. History – Big news, historical moments, politics, and other defining moments are big sources of nostalgia.

Devices for Nostalgia Marketing

Using Nostalgia in Marketing

Some nostalgia applications in marketing include expanding to a different age group, celebrating a brand milestone anniversary, aligning with values, relaunching a former product, escaping the ordinary, and more. Below I am sharing several resources with more ideas and tips to apply nostalgia marketing to your arsenal. Share your ideas! I’d love to learn what elements of nostalgia grab your attention.

Published On: October 11, 2022 / Categories: Consumer Behavior, Cultural Marketing /

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